Code of ethics
Maintaining a safe and supportive session container as well as professional boundaries is my highest priority, especially when dealing with topics around sexuality and intimacy.
Authentic relating within the boundaries of this container, based on trust, non-judgemental communication, and transparent intentions, is at the heart of the self enquiry and positive change I strive to promote.
During sessions…
I commit to suitably informing myself of your personal needs so that I can provide the most adapted support possible.
Any information or practice that I offer is solely for your benefit.
My main intention is for you to become empowered enough to fulfil your own needs, attain your goals, and move forward on your own.
There is no obligation to carry out any practice that you do not wish to do, and you are encouraged to check in regularly with your personal boundaries, and to communicate whenever you change your mind. This is especially important during touch based practices.
I commit to communicating with transparency and I expect the same transparent communication in return.
What happens in a session is kept strictly confidential (with the exception of a court order).
If I feel that an issue is outside of my professional capacities, I will do my best to redirect you to another therapist who may be more suitable.
If I feel that I am no longer able to work with you, for example due to extreme differences in viewpoints or a direction that I am not willing to take, I will communicate this honestly, and redirect you to someone else.
When using intimate touch as a therapeutic tool, I adhere to the code of ethics of sexological bodywork .
Some important points include: touch is one way (I don’t receive touch), intimate touch is using latex gloves, I remain clothed, and there is no romantic relationship or sexual connection.

Outside of sessions
I commit to ongoing education and professional development in my field, through trainings, supervision and peer support.
You are welcome to ask for proof of my existing trainings.
If we should meet outside of a session, I will not disclose our professional relationship, though you are free to do so if you choose. I will wait for you to initiate contact, and I will follow your lead as to how we interact.